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Fix Testing Protocol | PhiFIX Test Suite PhiFIX Test Suite is a complete FIX Testing Protocol and Simulation Software for capital markets which reduce dependencies and cost associated with the complex deployments of FIX-based trading platforms. PhiFIX Test Suite can be deployed in a client and server mode. It is a collaborative tool inbuilt FIX Protocol - Testing Accelerator &...
Today, you can invest in cryptocurrency quickly and easily. You have the liberty to invest with the help of online brokers, but you cannot say for sure if this is a foolproof venture. There are a lot of risks and pitfalls that you need to face if you are thinking of entering this field. However, you don't have to...
If you are on this page, chances are that you want to know about the caveat loans application process. In this article, we will share with you all the information you need to submit your application and get your loan approved. Read on to find out more. First of all, it is important to understand that your property can be...
here is an aphorism that states "it's not getting the right answer but asking the right question" that is crucial. Readers of this site are surely aware of blurbs like 'real money', 'honest money', 'Fiat' money, printed money, borrowed money... ad infinitum. Indeed, Aristotle named the desirable qualities of money; Money must be durable Money must be portable Money must be divisible Money must...
As the clouds of war gathered before the start of the Great War, the 'War to End Wars', WWI, the pundits were predicting that any major war could not last more than a few months; the treasuries of the combatants would rapidly run out of money... This was an astute observation; war is by far the most expensive 'activity' that...
Top 5 awesome tips to save for a down payment Want to own your own house? Well, who doesn't? You may not be looking to buy a house now but eventually you will. Owning a house is a dream of most people but only a lucky few manage to get a home that they really want. You are not alone...
What do you do if you want to learn driving a car? You will try to find an expert teacher, isn't it? You do not want to avail the services of a novice individual to help you out, but a professional person can provide you the vital tips and most importantly guide you efficiently. Similarly, when it comes to...
According to The Washington Post; "A record 7 million Americans are 3 months behind on their car payments" - February 2019. That title says it all. In other words, if you are filing bankruptcy and have missed your car payments, but you still want to keep your car, you are not alone. The Credit Union Journal has a recent article...

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